Zoology is the branch of Biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification habits and distribution of all animals.

1. Name of Department Zoology
2. Year of Establishment 2016
     3. Name of Program 2016 -Started F.Y. B.Sc. zoology

2017 -Started S.Y. B.Sc. Zoology

2018 -Started T.Y. B.Sc. zoology

4. Annual/Semester/Choice Choice Based Semester Pattern
5. Detail Of Course Bachelor in Zoology
6. Number of Teaching Post

    Sanctioned  Filled
Professor Nil Nil
Associated Professors Nil Nil
Assistant Professor 04 02
7. Faculty Profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization;

Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of years of experiments
Mr. Naik

V. S.

M.Sc. B.Ed. Assist. Professor Biotechnology and Oceanography 4
Miss. Sawant

D. A.

M.Sc. Assist. Professor Biotechnology and Oceanography 4


8. Number of academic support staff (technical)/ and administrative staff;


Technical   Sanctioned  Filled
Lab. Assistant Nil Nil


Lab. Attendant 01 01


9. Details of infrastructural facilities


a)     Library  Nil


b)    Internet facilities for staff and Students  Nil
c)     Class rooms 02
d)    Laboratories 01
10. Teaching method adopt to improve student learning Chalk and Board method, ICT Facilitated teaching


11. Future plan;




·       Quality Result


·       Strength of student


·       Well Equipped Lab


Weakness ·       Poor knowledge of students at entry point


·       Job Opportunity


Challenges ·       Poor knowledge of students

·       Students travelled from long distance