Cultural Department

प्रा. एच. एम. चौगुले
The Cultural Deparment of the college is versatile and having incredible success.Various Cultural activities are performed with tremeudous enthusiasm. The diversity of Cultural activities is extra ordinary and number of students, in this deparment, had represented of national, zonal and state leval Cultural events. The college has established fully equipped Cultural Deparment for students. Continuous encouragement is given to students to participate & perform in various activities. College has raised a special auditorium hall and amphitheater built as per university norms. College has provide traditional or classical instrument facilities for the Cultural activities & events like folk dance, folk orchestra, street play, one act play, skit, elocution, group song, vocal & classical singing, rangoli, tabala, harmonium, flower arrangement, duate dance, solo dance, poetry recital, group dance, debate, quiz, on the spot painting, cartooning, spot photography, mono-acting competition ,etc.
With the changing trend we have noticed a major difference in every field. Students don’t want to be bookworms; they look for other options that could help them in the future. Besides, this in this hightech world, every student wants to acquire knowledge in every field to stay updated. Co-circular activities play a vital role in the life of students. So, following are the benefits of Cultural Activities for the students.
Practical Benefits
Extracurricular activities teach students how to work for a common goal and this ultimately develops a sense of responsibility in them. It increases the level of confidence and also teaches them how to co-operate and work with people in different conditions. They learn to face the challenges that come in education and career. Extracurricular activities like sports require a person to remain physically fit. Thus students have to be particular about their health and diet. They have to take diet which can make them physically stronger and also do exercise daily. They start loving their body, which is very important for a happier life.
Educational Benefits
Mumbai University awards 10 Grace Marks under Ordinance 0.229 of University of Mumbai for achieving First, Second and Third Rank at 52nd Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Department Cultural Youth Festival / First, Second, Third Rank at Chancellor P.C. Alexander Inter-Collegiate Elocution Competitions / Participation in 17 th Maharashtra State Inter-University Cultural Youth Festival / 35th West Zone Inter-University Cultural Youth Festival / 35th National Inter-University Cultural Youth Festival.
Most of the employer love to hire people who are all rounded. Sustained involvement in more than one activity reflects the talent and potential of the student. Hiring officials look for these talents in people. Besides, this when applying for admission in colleges for higher degrees, these students get a preference too. While pursuing these activities in college along with education students learn prioritization and time management skills too. These academically and co-circularly talented students have well-groomed personality, which helps them to face the world in a better way.
Aims & Objectives
- Promotion of performing art of various genre (classical/traditional/Folk/Tribal) in the filed of music, dance & drama
- Promotion of visual arts (Paintings, Sculpture, Traditional and Folk Art and crafts)
- Preservation and protection of marthi language, culture and Marathi dialect languages & culture.
- The cultural Dept. of KWC always inspires students from near by villages for active participation in cultural activities.
- The cultural Dept. always strive hard to maintain the cultural identity of Maharashtra through presentation of various folk songs, folk dances, folk orchestra across Maharashtra.
- The department inculcate cultural interest among the students so as they could achieve grand success in various cultural fields i.e. film industry, TV serials, Singing, Dancing, Stage programmes etc.
- The department not only create cultural interest but also it inculcate moral values among the students.
- The department is throughty engaged in keeping alive to nurture various cultural events like Waghya Murali, Bhupali, Abhang, Drama, Dhich on the verge of ruin.